Thursday, October 31, 2019

Researchers Are Using Platelet-Rich Plasma And Minoxidil For Alopecia Treatment

Researchers Are Using Platelet-Rich Plasma And Minoxidil For Alopecia Treatment    

Another Treatment Includes Low-Level Lasers    

Alopecia can affect men and women. Recent research has found positive results in a treatment based on platelet-rich plasma and minoxidil. Also, another research shows treatment for androgenetic alopecia in women based on a low-level laser. Click here for more info.


Excess Hair Shedding May Result In Bald Patches

Excess Hair Shedding May Result In Bald Patches    

It Can Be Related To Stressful Situations, Pregnancy Or Weight Loss    

It is normal to lose between 50 to 100 hairs per day. Losing more is known as excess hair shedding, and it is a normal condition that happens when giving birth, losing 20 or more pounds, or going through a stressful event, such as divorce or job loss. A specialist can define a treatment to lower or stop the hair loss, but it is important to describe lifestyle or physical changes, such as medications, diets, menstrual cycle patterns, among others. If left untreated, shedding may occur in specific areas of the scalp, resulting in bald patches. Additional info click here.


Shaving The Head Does Not Help With A Thicker And Denser Hair

Shaving The Head Does Not Help With A Thicker And Denser Hair    

However, If The Hair Was Damaged By Heat And Chemicals, New Hair Will Be Healthier    

Many people believe that shaving the head promotes the growth of healthier and thicker hair. The truth is that it has nothing to do with it, because a thicket and denser hair depends on the number of follicles, and it remains the same. When the hair grows back, there is an illusion of thicker hair because the tips of the hair are blunt, due to the shaving. However, if the hair has been damaged by chemicals or heat, new hair will be healthy and undamaged. Also, the scalp gets cleansed if there was dandruff. More Information click here.


Pattern Baldness Is Frequent In Elder Women And Shows As Hair Thinning

Pattern Baldness Is Frequent In Elder Women And Shows As Hair Thinning    

Check The Warning Signs For An Early Treatment    

Pattern baldness is usually related to men, however, it also presents in women. 50 percent of women over 65 years will be affected. The reason is that their hair follicles are more sensitive to testosterone in the blood. It appears as excessive shedding and a thinning of the hair on the crown. These are early warning signs that will allow the specialist to set up a treatment to prevent further thinning. These can be hormonal tablets to counteract the testosterone effect, to scalp infections of platelet-rich plasma. Additional details click here.


Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Heartburn During Pregnancy May Result In A Hairy Baby

Heartburn During Pregnancy May Result In A Hairy Baby    

The Hormone Estrogen Is Responsible For Both Conditions    

There are myths related to pregnancy and hair. One of them says that heartburn may result in a hairy baby. One if the effects of the hormone estrogen are relaxing the gastroesophageal valve, which is the valve that prevents the return of the food matter to the esophagus. However, if the valve is relaxed, food and acid will return, leading to heartburn. Also, estrogen is associated with hair growth in a developing baby, so, it is true that there is a correlation between heartburn and a hairy baby, Click here for more details.


Hair Thinning Can Also Affect Eyebrows

Hair Thinning Can Also Affect Eyebrows    

The Causes Are Hormonal Changes, A Poor Diet, And Excess Plucking    

Thinning does not only happen to hair. It can also occur in eyebrows. The main reason is related to hormonal changes, such as estrogen or pregnancy, but might be also old age, genetics, or diets. Low estrogen levels can be treated with proper nutrition or therapy. Also, certain medications, stress, or health conditions can cause a rapid hair loss that also affects eyebrows, called telogen effluvium. Other causes are related to poor diets, alopecia, which attacks hair and eyebrows, and also excess plucking. More details click here.


Immunotherapy Cancer Drugs Darkened The Patient's Gray Hair

Immunotherapy Cancer Drugs Darkened The Patient's Gray Hair    

Side Effects Make The Drug Unsafe For Healthy Individuals    

Cancer treatment based on immunotherapy drugs caused the patients’ gray hair to turn dark. This side effect seems to be related to the restoration of pigmentation although doctors do not have a clear idea of what is happening. Even though it might be used as a new treatment for gray hair, the drug’s side effect may make it unsafe for healthy people. However, once the active component is identified, a different drug could be made for specifically addressing the color change. Additional information click here.


A Long And Healthy Hair Requires More Than A Good Shampoo

A Long And Healthy Hair Requires More Than A Good Shampoo    

It Also Requires A Proper Diet, Scalp Cleansing And Avoiding Excessive Heat    

Long and healthy hair is not obtained just by using a good shampoo. Proper hair care includes trimming to get rid of damaged ends, scalp cleansing to remove dead skin cells and dirt, a protein diet to nurture the hair follicles. Also avoid excess hot water and heat treatments, which can make the hair dry and brittle, and harsh chemical treatments. Check this advice for healthy hair. Additional info click here.


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Daily Hair Brushing Has Its Pros And Cons

Daily Hair Brushing Has Its Pros And Cons    

Brushing Hair When Wet Will Increase The Risk Of Breakage – Check These Tips    

Women brush their hair every day and this is part of the normal beauty routine. But what happens if they stop brushing it? According to specialists, brushing the hair aggressively stresses the hair fiber and the cuticle may flake and fall. This worsens if the hair is wet because it is weaker, increasing the risk of breakage. Also, brushing the hair flattens it, so stopping it will add more volume to the hair. Also, the brush can be replaced by styling with fingers, which are gentler. On the other hand, the brush distributes the natural oil to other areas, so the hair will get greasier at the roots. Check all the pros and cons of hair brushing. Click here for more info.


These Foods Will Provide The Proper Nourishment To Your Hair

These Foods Will Provide The Proper Nourishment To Your Hair    

You Will Have A Healthy Scalp And Hair, And Fast Hair Growth    

A great hair is not only the result of certain hair products. It is also the consequence of proper nourishment, vitamins, and minerals included in certain foods. Among them are salmon, which has a high content of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C and proteins, ideal for a healthy hair and scalp, sunflower seeds which stimulate blood flow into the scalp, and sweet potato, which speeds up hair growth. Check all the foods that will help you have great hair. More info click here.


DNA Testing Will Confirm If A Person Will Be Bald

DNA Testing Will Confirm If A Person Will Be Bald    

However, There Are Ways To Slow Down The Process    

The usual way to predict if one was going to be bald was checking at his ancestors: if hair loss was present in your father or mother’s family you were likely to be bald. This was called the genetic approach. Now we know that baldness is related to DHA, a hormone created by testosterone, which weakens the hair follicles. The key to hair loss is not the production of DHA, but the sensitivity to it. This can be checked via DNA testing. However, there are ways to strengthen the follicles and slow down hair loss, such as eliminating smoking and drinking and avoiding certain drugs. Click here for more information.


Coffee Will Improve Your Hair And Skin Without Drinking It

Coffee Will Improve Your Hair And Skin Without Drinking It    

It Can Take Care Of Dandruff, Exfoliate The Scalp And Fight Hair Loss    

Coffee will energize you in the morning. However, there are other ways in which it will help your hair and body without drinking it. Coffee can work as an exfoliant, getting rid of product buildup in the scalp and also taking care of dandruff. It also helps with hair loss. A study has shown that hair exposure to caffeine can decrease the effect of testosterone, which has a component that causes hair loss. Additionally, the acidity in the ground coffee smooths the hair cuticle. Coffee has also works as a treatment for eye bags and improve dry skin. Additional details click here.


Monday, October 28, 2019

Salt-Based Shampoos Are Healthier For The Scalp

Salt-Based Shampoos Are Healthier For The Scalp    

However, Its Use Must Be Limited To One Or Two Times Per Week    

Shampoos usually include sodium chloride, which can lead to a dry and itchy scalp. A more natural approach in other shampoos is using sea salt, which detoxes the scalp and prevents the grease buildup. It also has minerals, such as magnesium, sodium, and potassium. However, salt can also work as a body scrub, so it is advised to limit its use to one or two times per week. More Information click here.


Low Levels Of Folic Acid Related To Hair Loss

Low Levels Of Folic Acid Related To Hair Loss    

The Cause May Be Poor Diet And Health Conditions    

Unhealthy habits or diets can be one of the causes of hair loss. The amount of folic acid and iron in the body poor diet can be decreased as a result of a poor diet, and one of its consequences is hair loss. Folic acid is one of the B-complex vitamins which helps to regenerate skin and hair tissue. Low levels of folic acid will reduce the blood’s ability to transport oxygen to the scalp. Also, folic acid is responsible for the hair color and thickness. Click here for more details.


Menopause Hair Loss Might Be Reverted By This Treatment

Menopause Hair Loss Might Be Reverted By This Treatment    

It Can Also Help Women Who Have Undergone Pregnancy    

Menopause consists of a series of hormonal changes in women. One of the consequences is hair thinning and loss. However, one shampoo claims to revert this with a mixture of vitamins and other natural substances. According to the brand, its shampoo can also help new mothers that have undergone hormonal changes due to pregnancy. Additional info click here.


Tea Tree Can Help With Oral Hygiene And A Healthy Hair, Among Other Benefits

Tea Tree Can Help With Oral Hygiene And A Healthy Hair, Among Other Benefits    

It Will Get Rid Of Dandruff And Bad Breath    

Tea tree oil is an essential oil also called melaleuca oil. It can be used for skin treatments and to acne. Also, it is food for oral health. It has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, which will help with oral hygiene and eliminate bacteria responsible for bad breath. It can be also used for getting rid of dandruff in hair, and reduce greasiness and itchiness, removing flaking skin and cleaning hair follicles. Learn how to use tea tree oil for oral hygiene and for healthy hair. More details click here.


Sunday, October 27, 2019

Actors Consider Hair Growth Treatments As An Investment For Their Careers

Actors Consider Hair Growth Treatments As An Investment For Their Careers    

Procedures Include Robotic Transplant, Injectables, And Lasers    

There are various procedures for dealing with hair loss. Most people with this problem can use special drugs, transplants, and micropigmentation, among others. But there are people whose career depend on their image, such as actors, which consider hair loss treatment as an investment. This gets worse with high-definition screens, which highlights any imperfection. According to specialists, early detection is the key. Dermatologists and plastic surgeons suggest testing for biomarkers to analyze the cause, which can be anemia, genes, hormones, among others and set a course of action once they have the full information. Procedures include robotic hair transplant, injectables, and lasers, among others. Check all the high-end procedures. Click here for more info.


Growing Back Your Hair After Recovering From A Health Condition

Growing Back Your Hair After Recovering From A Health Condition    

Anemia Causes Hair Loss In Chunks – Learn How To Recover It    

Iron deficiency, or anemia, can cause hair to fall out. This can be caused by bulimia, or a low thyroid, which can cause women to have excess blood loss during their periods. After these conditions have been treated, the job is to restore fallen hair. One way is to apply castor oil to the hair, which has antibacterial and antifungal properties, vitamins and minerals, among others. This supports the keratin in the hair, making it strong and preventing it from breaking. Another product is coconut oil, which has vitamins and fatty acids and nourishes the hair. Check all the products that will help you recover your hair. Additional information click here.


Curly Hair Requires Special Attention In Hot Weather

Curly Hair Requires Special Attention In Hot Weather    

Avoid Excess Heat And Use Conditioner To Protect From Pool Water    

Hot and humid weather can make curly hair more difficult to maintain. One way is avoiding hot styling tools, because the high temperature damages the hair – instead, let it dry naturally. Also select product with no controversial chemicals, such as sulfate, which removes the moisture of the hair. Pool water with chlorine also affects the hair, which can be avoided applying conditioner before getting into the water. Also, apply coconut oil to protect the hair from UV rays. Check all the tips for taking care of curly hair. More info click here.


Essential Oils Can Take Care Of Bad Breath. Hair Loss And Anxiety

Essential Oils Can Take Care Of Bad Breath. Hair Loss And Anxiety    

They Don’t Have The Side Effect Of Substances With Harsh Chemicals    

Essential oils have a number of uses and don’t have the side effects of products with strong chemicals, such as air fresheners. Among them is lavender oil, which treats hair loss, headaches and improves mental health. Also, peppermint oil can treat heartburn and other digestive conditions, cure bad breath and combat fatigue and anxiety. Oregano oil is very powerful, which can treat fungal infections, sinus congestion, and herpes. Lemon oil can treat oral bacterial infections and headaches. Check the complete list of essential oils and their health benefits. Click here for more information.


Saturday, October 26, 2019

Problems With Hair Coloring Or Perms? The Cause May Be Low Hair Porosity

Problems With Hair Coloring Or Perms? The Cause May Be Low Hair Porosity    

It Is The Ability To Absorb Moisture And Can Be Tested At Home    

In some cases, hair products that work very well on other persons do not have an effect on you. The cause is usually the ability to absorb moisture, which is called porosity. Specialists agree that understanding hair porosity will help to select the correct hair products. Porosity depends on the condition of the hair’s cuticle, and is similar to a sponge – a new sponge absorbs far more water than an old one. Hair with low porosity will resist coloring and perms, and there are products that will attract moisture to the hair. There are products for each type of porosity, and also tests you can do at home to determine the type of hair. Additional details click here.


Shoulder Straps In Women’s Bags Can Constantly Pull The Hair And Lead To Follicle Inflammation

Shoulder Straps In Women’s Bags Can Constantly Pull The Hair And Lead To Follicle Inflammation    

This Is Similar To Traction Alopecia Caused By Tight Hairstyles    

Hair thinning and falling is usually caused by hormones aging, or medication, among others. But there is a reason that might be unusual but is very common in females, and it is the hair that gets trapped under the straps of the purse or the shoulder bags. It can be pulled out or can break if it is dry. Constant trapping can result in an inflammation of hair follicles, leading to hair thinning or even bald areas because the follicles stop working. This is similar to traction alopecia caused by tight hairstyles which constantly pull the hair. More Information click here.


Study: Male Pattern Baldness Could Be Related To Prostate Cancer

Study: Male Pattern Baldness Could Be Related To Prostate Cancer    

The Substance Responsible For Inhibiting The Hair Follicles May Be The Culprit    

Research suggests that male baldness may increase the risk of prostate cancer, which is the second most common type of cancer. The reason is that testosterone can be converted into another substance called DHT, which inhibits the hair follicles, resulting in baldness. However, this same substance stimulates the growth of prostate cells that result in benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP) in elders. Click here for more details.


Hair Loss Is Not All Bad News: Study Has Shown The Benefits Of Being Bald

Hair Loss Is Not All Bad News: Study Has Shown The Benefits Of Being Bald    

Bald Men Are Perceived As Being Stronger, Taller And More Dominant    

Hair loss can be an issue for many men. But once you have accepted that the hair is falling off and there is nothing to do about it, there is some good news. Recent research has shown that people tend to see bald men as more dominant, stronger and taller than men with hair. The study also included comparisons of photographs of the same men with hair and with the hair digitally removed. Also, men with male pattern baldness, which leaves rests of hair on the sides and back, can boost their credibility by shaving completely their head. Additional info click here.


Friday, October 25, 2019

A New Technique Injects Abdomen Fat Into The Scalp To Cure Baldness

A New Technique Injects Abdomen Fat Into The Scalp To Cure Baldness    

Adipose Tissue Stimulate Hair Follicles And Results Can Be Seen After Six Months    

A recent study has shown that hair follicles in balding men can be stimulated by removing fat from the abdomen via liposuction and injecting it on the scalp. It suggests that there is a relationship between hair follicles and the adipose tissue, responsible for storing fat. The adipose tissue is enhanced with stem cells prior to reinjecting it on the scalp. It had a positive outcome, with a hair count increase of 23 percent after six months. More details click here.


Personalized Scalp Prosthesis Can Cover Bald Areas With Natural Hair

Personalized Scalp Prosthesis Can Cover Bald Areas With Natural Hair    

It Uses 3D Technology To Have An Exact Match Of The Skull    

An Italian company has developed a personalized hair prosthesis that covers bald areas with hair that matches perfectly the existing hair. It can be placed in places where hair is very thin or it is completely gone. These are great news for men with pattern baldness and women who have lost their hair due to health conditions. They create a 3D replica of the scalp for the prosthesis. Click here for more info.


Researchers Identify Chemical Signals That Activate Or Inhibit Follicle Activity

Researchers Identify Chemical Signals That Activate Or Inhibit Follicle Activity    

Regulating These Signals Could Instruct The Hair Where To Grow    

A study on mice suggests that hair all over the body communicates via chemical signals. Researchers found that these chemical signals instruct the hair to activate growth in certain areas, and inhibit growth in other areas, depending on the type of signals used. Therefore, regulating these two types of signals via drugs, the follicles could be stimulated or inhibited, curing hair loss and perhaps getting rid of the shaving machine. Additional information click here.


Black Tea Can Block The Substance That Causes Male Pattern Baldness

Black Tea Can Block The Substance That Causes Male Pattern Baldness    

It Can Also Treat Split Ends, Dandruff, And Greasy Hair    

Black tea can be used as a natural hair treatment if you wish to avoid products with harsh chemicals. It is more oxidized and has more caffeine than other types of tea. For example, it can be used as a natural dye to treat gray hair. It can also delay or stop hair loss, blocking the action of DHT, a substance derived from testosterone, which is the responsibility of male pattern baldness. Another use is for treating dandruff, due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Black tea can also take care of split ends, and greasy hair, among others, Check the full list and how to use it. More info click here.


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Progressive Hair Dyes For Men Contain Lead

Progressive Hair Dyes For Men Contain Lead    

This Component For Slow Darkening Of Hair May Be A Health Concern    

Men with graying hair may consider dying their hair. However, many of them wish to make the change less obvious, slowly darkening gray hairs. This is done with a type of dye called progressive hair dye.  However, the main issue is that the component responsible for gradual hair dying is lead acetate, which results in health risk, especially with the frequent use of the product. More Information click here.


Cutting-Edge Research On A Cure For Baldness

Cutting-Edge Research On A Cure For Baldness    

Current Research Includes Proteins Instructing Skin Cell To Become Hair And Enzymes In Follicles For Hair Growth    

Baldness is caused by a reaction of hair follicles to a hormone called DHA, derived from testosterone. There are treatments based on drug, hair transplant among others. But there is also cutting-edge research. One of them is a protein called KROX20, which instructs skin cells to become hair. Also, immune cells related to controlling inflammation, which may be also responsible for male pattern baldness. Another method is inhibiting an enzyme located in the hair follicles, promoting hair growth. Additional information click here.


Traction Alopecia Can Be Caused By A Tight Hairstyle

Traction Alopecia Can Be Caused By A Tight Hairstyle    

Constant Hair Pulling Will Increase The Risk Of Hair Loss    

Traction alopecia occurs when there is mechanical tension or constant pulling on the hair follicles. This happens with certain hairstyles, such as ponytails, buns or strands. Even if it’s necessary to use one of these styles, don’t use it every day. It will not only rest the constant traction on the scalp, but also the hair will be able to breathe. Special care must be taken with the hair on the temples because it is the most fragile and fine. Therefore, in the case of traction alopecia, it will be the first to fall, resulting in a receding hairline. More info click here.


Explaining Why Hair Color Can Change Naturally

Explaining Why Hair Color Can Change Naturally    

Natural Pigmentation Can Vary Over The Time, Meds, Among Others    

Hair color can change without applying dyeing products. Excessive sun can lighten the hair. Also, hair can change color naturally without dyeing it, but is this a good sign?  Natural hair color depends on melanin, which gives the hair its pigmentation. There are two types one for brown and black, and other for red and yellow. Variations of these types lead to hair colors and tones. Over time, melanin levels can vary resulting in a change of hair color. However, these levels can also change with heat application in hair, poor diet, and even certain medicines. Check all the causes for hair color change. Click here for more information.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hair Loss Is Not Linked To The Testosterone Levels

Hair Loss Is Not Linked To The Testosterone Levels    

A Recent Study Offers New Information    

One of the causes of male-pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia, is the presence of a substance called DHT, which affects the operation of hair follicles, decreasing its size. The presence of DHT has always been considered linked to the presence of testosterone, therefore, a high level of testosterone would eventually result in male-pattern baldness. However, a recent study did not find a relation between them, implying that testosterone levels were not related to general hair loss. Consequently, according to the study, DHT levels and testosterone levels are not linked. Additional details click here.


Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn

Peppermint Oil Can Be Beneficial For Gastrointestinal Conditions And Heartburn    

It Also Helps Relieve Tension Headaches, Promotes Hair Growth, And Reduces Anxiety    

Peppermint has health benefits, such as pain-relieving and anti-bacterial properties. In the form of essential oil and capsules, it can help in treating digestive conditions and headaches. It is rich in menthol, which is considered to be the bioactive ingredient that provides its health benefits. It helps in treating irritable bowel disease (IBS), which has symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and changes in stool patterns. The menthol in the peppermint oil helps to ease the symptoms up to 79%, relaxing the stomach and digestive tract muscles. It also can reduce indigestion by decreasing the contractions in the esophagus, and also reduce heartburn symptoms. It can also help relieve tension headaches and other chronic pain conditions, due to the methanol included in peppermint. It is also beneficial for hair growth, according to research in mice, and anxiety, in the form of aromatherapy, reducing the stress responses. Additional details click here.


Preventing And Treating Dandruff

Preventing And Treating Dandruff    

It Will Lead To A Dry And Itchy Scalp    

Dandruff causes a dry and itchy scalp. It also causes hair loss due to the dryness and the excessive scratching, which pulls the hair. It can be avoided maintaining the perfect balance of oiliness in the scalp, in order to nourish both the skin and the hair and to preserve this happy equilibrium without getting greasy hair. Also, it is important to avoid frequent shampooing, which will dry the scalp and increase the risk of dandruff. Also, certain chemical products are too harsh for the hair and affect the natural acidity and pH balance of the hair. It is also important to promote blood circulation to the scalp via a gentle massage in order to nurture the hair follicles. Also, alternating hot and cold water will stimulate circulation. Click here for more information.


The Human Body Hosts Millions Of Microorganisms That Aid - And Can Also Interfere - With Its Normal Processes

The Human Body Hosts Millions Of Microorganisms That Aid - And Can Also Interfere - With Its Normal Processes    

Some Are Locate In The Hair Follicles And Scalp, The Intestine, And Even Cause Bad Breath And Cavities    

The human body is a house for millions of bacteria and other microorganisms that help maintaining good health. These bacteria also help to contain the growth of harmful bacteria. However, if the amount of “good” and “bad” bacteria get out of balance, leading to fungus infections or bacterial yeast. Some of the microorganisms live on the eyelashes and inside the hair follicles. There are other bacteria in the form of yeast in the scalp. A poor diet or other causes could cause an imbalance, leading to rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis. Other bacteria in the hair is located in the armpits, responsible for the strong smell, which is caused by their combination of fatty acids and proteins in sweat. It is also well-known that there are intestinal bacteria that aids with digestion. In fact, according to specialists, the typical healthy adult digestive system has almost four pounds of microorganisms consisting of over three million genes. There are also bacteria in the mouth which aids with digestion, but there is also another type of microorganisms that are harmful, which are responsible or cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Check all the types of bacteria and microorganisms that live in the human body. More info click here.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

These Nutrients Will Help To Have A Long, Healthy Hair And Prevent Hair Loss

These Nutrients Will Help To Have A Long, Healthy Hair And Prevent Hair Loss    

They Include MSM, Proteins And B-Complex Vitamins    

There are certain nutrients that are fundamental for healthy hair and preventing hair loss. these must go together with a proper scalp massage in order to promote blood flow to the hair follicles. Among these nutrients is MSM, a sulfur that is naturally present in the body, which enhances collagen and keratin, essential building blocks for skin, hair, and nails. It contains an amino acid called cysteine, which is a significant element responsible for rebuilding skin and hair tissue. It contained in cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. Another nutrient is protein, included in Greek yogurt, egg yolks, kale, peanuts, and beans. Lack of protein with cause loss of pigment, causing gray hair. Certain vitamins are also beneficial for the hair, such as B-complex vitamins, including biotin, niacin, and cobalamin, which will help restore shine and thickness to hair strands. Lack of biotin will lead to brittle hair and hair loss. Remember, our hair is what we eat. Check the full list of beneficial nutrients for the hair and in which foods they are included. Additional information click here.


Chemotherapy Can Be A Life-Saving Treatment, But Also Has Many Side Effects

Chemotherapy Can Be A Life-Saving Treatment, But Also Has Many Side Effects    

Among Them Are Nausea, Constipation And Vomiting, Hair Loss, Mood Changes, And Oral Injuries    

Being diagnosed with cancer is one of the worst news that a person can receive. Many patients have doubts and are confused about cancer treatment, especially chemotherapy. The objective of this treatment is to destroy the cells that are growing fast, like cancer cells, but unfortunately, it also targets other fast-reproducing, healthy cells, such as hair follicles, mouth, digestive tract, and bone marrow. It can also affect the heart, kidneys, bladder, lungs, and nervous system. The most common side effect is hair loss because the chemotherapy drug affects the hair follicles. It will also affect hair on the eyebrows, eyelashes, arms, legs, and genitals. However, not every chemotherapy drug causes hair loss. another common symptom is nausea and vomiting. The drug has an effect on the gastrointestinal system, causing the nausea sensation or actual vomiting. Other gastric issues are constipation and diarrhea, which can be prevented by eating high-fiber foods and staying hydrated. Chemotherapy can also affect oral health, causing mouth sores, and also mood changes, including anxiety and depression, and have a negative effect on the cognition. Click here for more details.


Hot Tubs Can Result In Skin-Related Health Conditions

Hot Tubs Can Result In Skin-Related Health Conditions    

Certain Bacteria And Chemicals Can Affect Hair Follicles And Cause Allergies    

Getting into a hot tub is a relaxing sensation, but sometimes it can also cause infections. Among them is a condition called hot tub lung, in which a bacteria that grows in warm water can become aerosolized and absorbed in the lungs, resulting in inflammation. Another common condition called hot tub rash, which consists of itchy spots that may turn into a bumpy red rash or blisters filled with pus surrounding hair follicles. A less common condition is legionella infection, which occurs when people become infected while breathing in steam or mist from the contaminated tub. Also, chemicals for cleaning and disinfecting the hot tubs increase the risk of an allergic reaction. More Information click here.


Study: Premature Hair Graying Linked To The Immune System

Study: Premature Hair Graying Linked To The Immune System    

It Includes Genes That Control Skin And Hair Pigmentation    

Graying hair is normally caused by aging. But there is also premature graying, which is not completely explained. According to researchers, there is a connection between genes that determine hair and skin color, and genes that warn the body the presence of infections. This means that genes that control hair pigment also control the immune system. Therefore, when the body is under attack and the immune system gets activated, it might result in premature hair graying. More details click here.


Monday, October 21, 2019

Following A Fad Diet For Quick Weight Loss Can Affect Hair And Skin

Following A Fad Diet For Quick Weight Loss Can Affect Hair And Skin    

Poor Nutrition May Result In A Sudden Hair Loss    

One of the causes of hair loss is a poor diet and poor nutrition. On the other hand, there are diets that promise to lose weight quickly. However, these diets are harmful because they reduce the nutritional intake. The objective is achieved in weight loss, but the lack of nutrition shows afterward in the skin and the hair. In some cases, there is sudden hair loss. The cause is the poor nutrition that the hair follicles are receiving. They do not receive the essential vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy weight. Also, the anxiety and stress of feeling overweight increases the risk or hair loss. How to avoid this? Checking that the diet has the necessary nutrients, a huge amount of proteins, and whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Additional info click here.


Sunday, October 20, 2019

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